1kHz sine wave generator circuit diagram


Circuit diagram:

1kHz sine wave generator circuit diagram

Part: R1____________5K6 1 / 4W resistor R2____________1K8 1 / 4W resistors R3, R4 ________ 15K 1 / 4W resistor R5__________500R 1 / 2W trimming cermet R6__________330R 1 / 4W resistor R7__________470R linear potentiometer C1, C2 ________ 10nF 63V polyester capacitor C3 __________ electrolytic capacitors C4__________470nF 63V polyester capacitors of 100μF25V of a quarter, jQuery112400577033858072491_1510038726298 one hundred mA mA Q2_______BC238 25V NPN transistor LP1___________12V40 filament bulb (see note) J1__________Phono cabinet socket SW1__________SPST slider switches interposed B1_____________9V PP3 9V PP3 batteries

Circuit Description: This circuit generates a 1KHz sine wave is good, using inverted Wien bridge configuration (C1 - R3 and C2 - R4). It features variable output, low distortion and low output impedance for good overload capability. A small filament bulb ensures a long-term stable output amplitude waveform. It may be used to detect audio millivoltmeter precision, three-level audio and other audio circuitry power indicator posted to this site.

Note: The bulb must be a low-current type (12V 40 - 50mA or 6V50 mA), in order to get a good long-term stability and low distortion.

@ 1V RMS output distortion is 0.15%, the use of 40 mA 12V bulbs, a one hundred mA 12V to increase 0.5%. Depending on the size of the lamp, you may need to change the value of R6 to 220 or 150 ohms to ensure proper circuit oscillation.

Set R5 to read the full clockwise rotation of R7 to the output audio millivoltmeter 1V RMS, or view the amplitude of a sine wave peak-to-peak 2.828V oscilloscope.

With C1, C2 = 100nF produces a frequency of 100Hz, and C1, C2 = 1nF with a frequency of 10KHz, but R5 needs to be adjusted. The preferred performance of high gain transistors is preferred.

Vertical Dip Centronic Connector

Vertical Dip Centronic Connector.

Current Rating:5A
Dielectric Withstanding Voltage:1000V for one minute
Insulation Resistance:1000MΩ Min.(at 500V DC)
Contact Resistance:35mΩ Max.
Temperature:-55°C to +105°C

Vertical Dip Centronic Connector

ShenZhen Antenk Electronics Co,Ltd , https://www.antenkelec.com

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