Tencent Digital (Compiler: Human) Although Sony's SmartWatch 3 has been on the market for more than a year, it is still one of the best smart watches on the market. After all, for now, smart watches with built-in GPS, waterproof, NFC, and Wi-Fi connectivity such as the SmartWatch 3 are not out of date today.
However, this does not prevent us from looking forward to the next generation of SmartWatch 4. Sony is very likely to launch its own new product at the IFA in September this year. Let’s take a look at it. For Sony SmartWatch 4, we hope to see Which new features.
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Higher-end design
SmartWatch 3 uses a very simple design, and was born for sports, including rubber straps and simple and stylish design, all show that this is a desire to move a smart watch. However, compared with Apple Watch, Huawei Watch, and Moto 360, the design of SmartWatch 3 seems to be inadequate.
Of course, SmartWatch 3 users can choose a Pebble Time-like style with a stainless steel strap and dial, but the price is even more expensive, reaching $320 (approximately RMB 2,120). We hope that Sony will adopt a more attractive hybrid design on the SmartWatch 4, and it will look even higher.
More accurate and efficient GPS functionality
Although SmartWatch 3 has built-in GPS functionality, our previous tests have found that the accuracy of its built-in sensors still needs to be improved, and the power consumption is also very high. We have found that the GPS tracking distance of SmartWatch 3 often differs from that of smart phone test data. Sometimes it may even make us wonder who is more accurate. Therefore, we hope that Sony can improve the hardware of SmartWatch 4 to ensure that tracking data is more accurate.
In addition, the built-in GPS will inevitably add a greater burden on the battery, and will consume about 10% of power in 24 minutes. Therefore, we hope that Sony can optimize the power consumption of the GPS module, or add some power-saving modes that can turn off the GPS function.
Support Android Pay
The built-in NFC feature has enabled SmartWatch 3 to be ahead of many competitors so far, and Sony's idea of ​​advanced on smart watches has never been fully utilized.
The launch of Android Pay mobile payment service has made NFC a place for users. When many SmartWatch 3 users are happy to use NFC payment, they find it still unusable, and this time it is due to system relations. .
So we hope that Sony will keep NFC on SmartWatch 4 and add support for Android Pay. After all, there will be more products supporting Android Pay in the future, and SmartWatch 4 should not be excluded.
Built-in speaker
Google added audio feedback to the Android Wear 1.4 system, which means that the speakers on the smart watch can be used. Imagine how convenient it is to be able to send a voice message or make a call directly on your wrist.
So far, only Huawei Watch has adopted a built-in speaker design for a smart watch. We hope to see this feature on SmartWatch 4.
Better battery life
SmartWatch 3 has a built-in 420mAh capacity battery, and you'll find this to be bigger than Moto 360, Huawei Watch, and LG Watch Urbane. In addition to the larger battery capacity, SmartWatch 3 can even use two days, which is a very good performance.
For ordinary watches, never worry about the power of things, and in the field of smart watches, life is often the most vulnerable part. Therefore, we hope that Sony can take various measures in SmartWatch 4 to improve endurance.
More sensors
SmartWatch 3 has built many sensors that not only left us with a deep impression, but also made it one of the most powerful smart watches on the market. Built-in GPS, gyroscopes, and accelerometers can accurately track our motion data, but we still hope that Sony will add more sensors inside SmartWatch 4.
First of all, heart rate sensors, optical sensors, and altimeters should all appear in SmartWatch 4, and today these have become essential features of mainstream smart watches.
Support mobile network connection
Supporting Wi-Fi connections only makes the Android Wear smartwatch a "bird in the cage," so Sony should add mobile network connectivity to the SmartWatch 4 to allow users to use it more freely and get rid of smartphones.
It is unrealistic to hope that SmartWatch 4 can completely replace smartphones, but at least it can achieve more functions without the need for smart phones. For example, SmartWatch 4 can work independently without running the phone.
Better charging method
To be honest, the SmartWatch 3's charging method is a bit clunky, so if Sony can add wireless charging to the SmartWatch 4 in the future, then the charging process can be made simpler, and users no longer need to use the microUSB data cable to awkwardly plug. To the smart watch.
Compatible with iOS Sports App
There is no doubt that Android Wear is now a very wise decision to be compatible with iPhone devices, but many Android Wear smart watches are very simple to use when connected to the iPhone, and they are not very good to use.
We hope that Sony can develop a special app for iPhone users who purchase SmartWatch 4 to let users view more fitness data. Although we are not sure how Sony will convert data, we believe there will be ways.
Round dial version
Some people like square dials and some people like round shapes. So why doesn't Sony release SmartWatch 4 in both round and square versions? Obviously, whether Apple Watch or Moto 360, there are quite a few fans, so Sony should also provide users with more choices.
Source: techradar
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