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Tencent Digital (Yan Can) millet notebook was officially released recently. As a highly anticipated notebook product, since its inception, it has undoubtedly attracted numerous saliva contests; but as a consumer electronics product, its The well-known method is not Xiaomi's consistent high configuration and low price, but its non-mainstream non-logo design.
As Xiaomi's first notebook product, it was named Air, positioning high-performance thin and light notebooks. However, since ancient times, high performance and thinness have always been a pair of friends, Xiaomi gave the answer is i5-6200U processor +940MX graphics card. After all, can the combination of this combination help the Xiaomi laptop to become a high-performance, light-weight label? What is the actual performance of the fresh blood of this PC market? Tencent Digital will bring a detailed evaluation next.
"No design is the best design." Xiaomi's products have always had this statement. This millet notebook is no exception. Its most obvious feature is the A-side without logo design, and it is precisely because of this, this time. The measured machine was laser laser carved Tencent digital logo.
Millet laptop Air uses aluminum alloy all-metal body, equipped with a mainstream 13.3-inch screen, the whole size of 309.6 × 210.9 × 14.8mm, weight 1.28kg. At the same time, Xiaomi did not adopt a wedge-shaped design for lightness and thinness, but instead maintained a uniform thickness of 14.8 mm. From the point of view of weight and thickness, the millet notebook has reached a thin and light mainstream level.
In the actual experience, the work of the millet notebook is still very good, feels more texture, and the machine feels more evenly.
At the same time, it can feel relatively moderate screen rotation resistance, one-handed opening and closing is more convenient, after opening the screen in all angles can be very stable, to meet the needs of mobile office often need to switch scenes.
The layout of the entire C-face keyboard is not much different from the previous notebooks we touched, with a full-sized backlit keyboard.
In the bottom part, the AKG horn opening at the bottom can be clearly seen. At the same time, there are anti-slip mat configurations on the four corners and in the middle and upper parts.
It is reported that the millet notebook is also equipped with a SSD slot for expansion on the left side, and can access 256GB, 512GB, and 1TB storage capacity through the m-SATA interface. From the perspective of the screws around it, it is easier to remove it when it is replaced.
Screen effect
Millet Notebook Air uses a 13.3-inch fully-fitted glass screen with a resolution of, which is the mainstream configuration. Has a 5.59mm black narrow border design, screen ratio reached 80.1%.
From the actual display effect, the aircraft's screen can meet the situation in the general high light does not appear to reflect light, the comparison is clear.
At the same time, it is also very good in terms of saturation and color performance. The color reproduction and details are very delicate, and the viewing angle is also acceptable.
Operating experience
This evaluation article is all done on the millet laptop Air, so its keyboard feel is still a profound experience. In the actual experience, the overall button is hard, 1.3mm key course is acceptable, but the feedback is not strong enough, slightly dragged; at the same time the keycap is relatively flat, poor feeling of finger fit, comfort in general.
In the lower part, due to the large-area glass touchpad, the area of ​​the entire palmrest is not small, and the comfort of typing is improved. The entire touchpad is not jerky, and it is also very smooth to trace the finger and recognize the gesture. If you press it slightly softer, the sound can be smaller and better.
Interface arrangement
Millet notebooks also pay great attention to the overall simplicity and consistency at the interface, and no relevant logo is printed. The left side is equipped with a HDMI, a USB 3.0 interface and a 3.5mm headphone jack.
In order to make the headphone port as close to the user as possible, but subject to the main board structure, the headphone jack is placed in the middle of the side, which is a bit abrupt. However, in actual use, because of its distinctive location features, it is still more convenient in plugging and using.
On the right, there is a USB-C and a USB 3.0 interface that can be used for charging.
In addition, Xiaomi official also provides a HUB connector that is priced at 149 yuan and can be purchased separately. It can pass a USB-C to USB-C, HDMI, and UEB for a total of 3 interfaces. The overall workmanship is acceptable, the weight is lighter, and there is room for improvement in texture.
Overall performance
In order to focus on the portability and endurance of notebooks, Xiaomi focuses on the former in lightness and high performance, thus sacrificing some of its performance. Only the entry-level GeForce 940MX discrete graphics card is provided. Other configurations are equipped with Intel's sixth-generation Core i5-6200U processor, using 8GB DDR4 memory and 256GB SSD.
First of all, we tested the CPU with CINEBENCH R15. This is an industry-recognized universal test software that can accurately measure the processing performance of the CPU. During the test, the performance of the dual-core, four-threaded Core i5-6200U processor is quite satisfactory. The multi-core score was 283 points and the single-core score was 112 points, basically meeting the average performance of i5-6200U in the market.
In terms of storage, the millet laptop Air is equipped with a 256GB Samsung solid-state hard drive, which guarantees both the capacity and solid-state drive quality and meets the basic daily needs. In the AS SSD test, the read rate was 1288.52MB/s, and the write rate was also reached at 292.52MB/s. The performance of the hard disk was quite powerful, reaching the level of the MacBook and Surface Pro 4.
In actual game testing, we use the current mainstream online game “League of Legends†for reference. It can be clearly seen from the screenshots of the test that when we set the default, that is, the medium-high image quality under 1080P, the frame number of the game can basically be maintained at about 95 to 105.
When the picture quality is adjusted to the highest picture quality under 1080P, the number of frames is reduced but can be maintained at around 70 to 80, and it is still able to play LOL smoothly. So overall, Xiaomi notebook Air can basically meet your needs for most online games.
Thermal life
Millet laptop Air cooling, in the environment at room temperature around 25 degrees continuous playing two "League of Legends" about 50 minutes or so test, the CPU reached 63 degrees Celsius, motherboard 36 degrees Celsius, graphics card is 60 degrees Celsius; is the mainstream level .
Its cooling holes are in the right half of the shaft, so in some areas of the fuselage, the left keyboard and wrist rest will feel warm, but not hot, the right half of the keyboard and the right wrist rest are basically no fever . It can be said that in daily use, the heat performance of the millet notebook is acceptable, and will not cause much discomfort.
Because 13.3-inch millet laptop Air is using Intel i5 processor, but also equipped with the NVIDIA 940MX alone significantly, battery life is not outstanding in the ultra-pole book, the basic daily use can meet 7-8 hours The battery life.
The specific test scenario is a simulated daily office environment. In standard mode, connect to WiFi, adjust the screen brightness to 50%, adjust the volume to 15, open QQ, WeChat, browser, music player, normal operation of the computer and use Photoshop, Word and other software for daily office. Through tests, Xiaomi Notebook Air consumed 72% of its electricity in 4 hours of medium-high intensity use, which translates to about 5.5 hours in the case of depleted power. It can be said that the performance is quite satisfactory.
However, the charging performance of the millet laptop is still very good, after the actual measurement, in half an hour, the electricity from 28% to 74%, basically reached the nominal half-hour charge half of the power to say.
Compared with the smartphone market that has emerged in recent years, Xiaomi has taken the lead in the country with its high-performance configuration, aggressive pricing strategy, and unique marketing model, and has achieved undeniable achievements. In the mature PC industry, the performance of the millet notebook is so strange and conservative, it is very common mainstream configuration, not stunning enough non-mainstream appearance, law-abiding control experience, not outstanding life-long cooling, combined with the price of 4999 There is no cost-effective “millet featureâ€, everything is more like a careful temptation.
In the fiercely competitive PC market, homogeneity has become more and more serious. To make consumers turn your brand from a wide array of products and win the market, they must be unique. Perhaps ultra-thin, perhaps high-performance, or high-value, or even ultra-low prices, but moderation is definitely not a good choice.
In general, Xiaomi's notebook gave me the impression that I think it is pretty good in all respects, but the overall combination is so bad that it's a little bit exciting; it has attractive charm, but Can't stir my impulse to buy. Perhaps this also stems from our high expectations for Xiaomi notebooks, and we hope that it will be stunning and even replicate its "miracle" in the mobile phone industry. It now appears that the current Air may not be able to do so, we can only hope for "Pro".
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